Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Emotional Baggage

Ever been hurt, tried, betrayed? All of us have gone thru some kind of trauma. They key is learning from it, and letting go. Often, we carry around burden's we should've let go of a long time ago. Sometimes, they're not even our own. It can feel like we have the weight of the world on our shoulders. Ever felt that way? Stress can get the best of us...if we let it. Whatever your mama did, or didn't do. Whatever your daddy did, or didn't do. There's no need to relive that in your mind ever again. God has given us a sound mind. The mind is constantly wandering and we have to strive towards taking control of our own thoughts. We have to rebuke the enemy at the gates of our mind. All day if we have to. If you want a clean spirit. Meditating on God's love for you and peace will give you strength in the midst of any storm. We have the bury whatever it is that's burdening our minds and our hearts. Grieve and let go. Draw up that strength within you, that is within us all, and make it your own.

Knowledge Is Power

Kings James Version Bible
Hosea 4:1 Hear the word of the Lord, ye children of Israel: for the Lord hath a controversy with the inhabitants of the land, because there is no truth, nor mercy, nor knowledge of God in the land.
           6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing that thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.

Knowledge truly is power. Ever heard of the saying my people die for lack for knowledge? This couldn't be more true. My friends, African American's in this country are dying at an alarming rate due to chronic diseases. God didn't intend for us to live with such health conditions. He certainly doesn't want us to die from them. There are simple solutions to complex diseases. Heart disease, Diabetes, Hypertension, and Cancer are preventable. Our ancestors weren't developing such diseases and dying 3 times faster than any other race on earth. One eventually MUST wonder why. Could the answers lie in our diet? Look at the foods we're eating. Personally, my grandfather and great grandparents lived long full lives. What did they have in common? Daily exercise tending to their land, vegetable gardens, and farm raised animals of their own for meat. We're not even thinking about what we're eating anymore. We're not eating to live, we're eating to die!

It is my mission to spread the news of a healthy lifestyle. To show people that we can cure any disease once our system has been cleansed of toxic waste accumulation naturally. All we have to do thereafter is start elimating dairy, refined white sugar and flour, processed/fast and junk foods, and meat treated with antibiotics or hormones from our diet. A diet rich in green leafy vegetables, fruits, nuts, beans, and heart healthy fats promotes more oxygen to the blood and shifts blood from acidic to alkaline. Studies have shown that cancer nor any other condition can survive in alkaline blood that is rich in oxygen.
I don't know about you but I've had family members die from diseases like type 2 diabetes which could have been totally prevented.

I welcome Christian, Athiest, Buddhist, Islam, Hindu, etc...apologies if your beliefs system wasn't not mentioned ;) We are all made of one Creator and can learn a lot from each other. I'm on the path to Universal Truth. I know realize my body is temple and struggle daily to fight for my live a life of Peace, Happiness, Abundance, and great Health. My friends, the kingdom of God, whose name is Love, lies within each and every one of US. I want everyone to realize their full potential in life and not be stuck in the "victim″ state of mind. So often, we can be SELF sabatoging without even realizing it. Encouraging others so that they may see my light and discover their own voice. Again, thank you so much for reading...and may you be encouraged.

The Trumpet Sound

The time has come
The time is now
To hear that loud,
Trumpet sound.
Liberation soars
Oppression becomes no more
He who lives n desperation,
Will be uplifted and become
A leader in hs nation
She who's sinking like the sand
Will transform into a precious jewel,
And triumph in her land
The trumpet sound is clear
I know you hear
If you have ears please listen
Don't live a life of indecision
Great plans the Lord has for you
Give His ways a try, see what's
In store for you
Treasures on earth and in heaven
Beyond anything our minds can imagine
Living in His love and glory, Forever
Yes, this will be our story

Copyright © 2011   An original poem by me